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12th Annual 24 Heroes in 24 Hours WOD List   

1    09:30   "TPT 9000" -
2    10:30    Mogadishu Mile -
3    11:30    Manion   -
4    12:30    Honey Badger -
5    13:30    Philip M Wigal -
6    14:30    OLLIS - 
7    15:30    The Kabul Thirteen -
8    16:30    Loredo -
9    17:30    Randy  -
10    18:30   J.J. -
11    19:30   NEUSCHE - Custom 12th Annual 24 Heroes WOD
12    20:30   Donny -
13    21:30   Hildy  - 
14    22:30   Emily -
15    23:30   FAAS Fit -
16    00:30   PK -
17    01:30   Zimmerman -
18    02:30   Jenny  -
19    03:30   Smette  - 
20    04:30   Cheesy JAG -
21    05:30   Indy 08  -
22    06:30   GRIFF -
23    07:30   Red Horse -
24    08:30   "MURPH" - (All hands on deck team event)

12th Annual Memorial WOD for Neusche:

Background: This workout is dedicated to U.S. Army Specialist Joshua Neusche, of Montreal, Missouri.  SPC Neusche died from a non-combat cause in Homburg Hospital, Germany.  Joshua was assigned to the 203d Engineer Battalion, in Joplin, Missouri, and died on July 12, 2003.  The 203d was operating out of the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) in a small forward operating base established after the “Battle of Baghdad” in April 2003.


He would have died alone in that German hospital if it weren’t for the soldiers in his unit – over 650 soldiers each donated $10 to help pay for his family’s airfare from SW Missouri to Germany before he passed away.



3 Rounds For Time, of:

•7 Power Snatch (95/65#)

•12 burpees over bar

•203 meter row

(WOD Significance: He passed away on July 12th, 2003, and was a member of the 203d Engineer Battalion.)



Archive: Hero WOD #5:  Major Dale

Background:  Gulia Dale III was born on April 30, 1960 in Bridgeton, NJ. Directly after high school, he joined the active duty US Army and served until 1982, when he joined the National Guard and served another 25 years, retiring in 2004. He received his commission at Seton Hall University achieving the rank of Major. He was activated  after September 11, 2001 and continued to serve his nation, including a tour of several months of active duty in Iraq.
Dale suffered with PTSD, which became apparent to his family during his return from several tours in Iraq. 30% of military personnel who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have mental health challenges. Dale was one of those veterans.

 Family members said they believe fireworks from neighboring homes may have caused flashbacks of combat that triggered a mental health crisis, which led his wife Karen Daletoto call the police for help. Three Newton police officers arrived outside Dale’s home. Their body-worn cameras were activated and recorded the events that transpired. A rapid exchange of commands were shouted at Dale, and then within moments of arriving on the scene, two officers fired their guns, killing the 61-year-old decorated war veteran outside his home.  He was killed on July 4, 2021 at the age of 61.

He is survived by his wife Karen, two daughters, Tori and Julia, several sisters, Pamela, Lorraine, Cynthia, Sandra, Valerie and Tara.

7 Rounds for Time of:
4 barbell deadlifts (225/155 lb)
21 Hand-release pushups
61 Double-Unders


"NICK SLOAN"                
In honor of Nick Sloan who, along with his dog Chance, tragically passed away in a car accident on February 12, 2017. Nick was a member of CrossFit Thunder Hill. He was a wonderful dad, son, brother and friend, and served 6 years in the Army National Guard. Nick was a fun-loving, hard-working and genuinely nice guy. He had an infectious smile, energy & laugh. He is missed tremendously by his family and friends.                         
5 rounds of:                
5 HSPU                
Run 200m                
10 Toes to bar                
10 Push Press (95/65)                
10 Burpees over the bar                
"Jimmy D"                 
In honor of New Brunswick, NJ Fire Department Deputy Chief James D'heron (Jimmy D) killed in the line of duty on September 3, 2004. Jim made the ultimate sacrifice responding to a house fire call by giving his life to save the residents that were sleeping inside. Jim saved the lives of 15 people that day. His life will go on forever through everyone he has ever come in contact with.                        
15 min AMRAP:                
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)                
15 Wallballs (20/14)                
15 Box Jumps (24/20)                
3 Burpees EMOM                


Register in advance for this meeting:


8th Annual Memorial WOD for “Officer Sicknick”

13 Rounds for Time, of:

-  1 Devils Press (45# DB)
-  6 DB Thrusters (45# DB)
-  21 Double-unders


Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was assaulted by insurrectionists seeking to overthrow the US government during the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. He succumbed to his injuries and died the next day in the hospital. He joined the Capitol Police in 2008. 

Officer Sicknick is from South River, NJ. A 1997 graduate of Middlesex County Vocational and Technical School, Sicknick "wanted to be a police officer his entire life," according to his family. He joined the New Jersey Air National Guard the year he graduated. Sicknick deployed to Saudi Arabia in 1999 in support of Operation Southern Watch. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he served in Kyrgyzstan in support of the war in Afghanistan.

As with most Hero WODs, the numbers have meaning.   In this case, Officer Sicknick was killed by Domestic Terrorists attempting to overthrow the US Government on Jan 6th, 2021 - hence the 1 / 6/ 21 format.  The 13 Rounds is representative of his 13 years of service, and the 45# "dumbbell" is representative of the former social media influencer, convicted rapist, convicted fraudster,  twice impeached former president of the United States who was ultimately responsible for Officer Sicknick being attacked on January 6th that led to his untimely death.


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